Have you ever tried cleaning your windows without a bucket? It’s like trying to bake a cake without a bowl to mix the ingredients.

It won’t work.

Buckets are an essential tool for any window cleaning job, and choosing the right one can make all the difference.

There are a lot of things to think about, from size and material to features and extras.

In this article, I’ll dive into the world of window cleaning buckets and tell you everything you need to know to choose the best one for your next cleaning job.

So grab a bucket (or keep reading to find out which one to buy) and let’s get started!

Window Cleaning Buckets

Types of Buckets

There are different sizes and shapes of buckets for cleaning windows.

They can hold anywhere from 3.6 to 6 gallons of liquid.

The most common shapes are square and round, and they can hold anywhere from 3.6 to 6 gallons of liquid.

Some buckets come with accessories such as lids, handles, and clips for squeegees and washers.

There are also “bucket on a belt” options, which make it easy and safe for window cleaners to get to tools like squeegee channels, washers, and scrapers.

Features to Consider

When picking a bucket for cleaning windows, it’s important to think about how well-built it is and how long it will last.

The bucket is made of high-quality materials and is built to be as strong and stable as possible.

Some buckets are made of strong, long-lasting plastic, while others are made of metal or other materials.

The design of the bucket should also be thought about, since it can affect how easy it is to use and how well it cleans.

Ergonomically designed handles and dual-compartment cleaning buckets are some of the design features that can make the cleaning process easier and more efficient.

Top Brands

Unger, Ettore, Pulex, Sorbo, and Wagtail are some of the best-known brands of window cleaning buckets.

These brands offer a range of bucket options that cater to different cleaning needs and preferences.

When choosing a bucket, it is important to consider the brand’s reputation, customer reviews, and the features that are most important to you.

In the end, a bucket is one of the most important tools for cleaning windows.

When choosing a bucket, it is important to consider its size, shape, durability, and design features.

Buckets from top brands like Unger, Ettore, Pulex, Sorbo, and Wagtail come in a variety of styles and sizes to meet different cleaning needs and preferences.

By choosing the right bucket, you can make the window cleaning process easier and more efficient.

Choosing the Right Bucket

Choosing the Right Bucket for Window Cleaning

When you need to clean windows, it’s important to choose the right bucket.

How big the bucket should be should depend on how much cleaning solution is needed and how big the washer is.

There are several options available, each with its own unique features.

Popular Bucket Options

People often use the Unger ProBucket when they clean windows.

The base is big and stable, and the pour spouts are round.

Inside the bucket, there are measurements that make it easy for workers to figure out how much cleaning solution they need.

Another option made for professional use is the Unger Bucket with Sieve.

It is a lightweight product made of heavy-duty plastic and metal that features a sieve for washers and squeegees.

It can hold up to 14″ washers and 4.5 gallons.

Hip Buckets

Another way to clean windows is with hip buckets.

Because the buckets themselves move less, they sit higher on the window cleaner’s leg and don’t have a leg string.

When choosing a bucket, it’s important to think about how long it will last and how it’s made.

The bucket is made of high-quality materials and is built to be as strong and stable as possible.

There are different sizes of mop buckets, so it’s important to pick the right one for your needs.

Benefits of Using a Bucket for Window Cleaning

Using a bucket for window cleaning has several benefits.

First, it makes it easy to make cleaning solution by mixing a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent with clean water.

Second, it makes it easy to store the cleaning solution and take it to the windows that need to be cleaned.

Third, it allows for the use of a window scrubber to remove all dust and dirt from the glass, which can then be cleaned with a squeegee.

Fourth, it helps catch any water that drips off the squeegee so that it doesn’t get on the floor or other surfaces.

Other Uses for Buckets

Cleaning windows is not the only thing you can do with a bucket.

Buckets can also be used for storing water, sand, gravel, or other aggregates.

They can be made of metal, plastic, or wood, and they can have a cloth lining to keep liquid from leaking when they are full.

Buckets can also be used for mixing paint or other materials.

Choosing the Right Bucket

When picking a bucket for cleaning windows, it’s important to think about its size, how much it can hold, and how stable and strong it is.

A good bucket for cleaning windows should be easy to carry and have a wide mouth that makes it easy to fill and clean.

Window cleaning can be made easier and faster with the right bucket.

The Importance of a Window Cleaning Kit for a Spotless Finish

When it comes to window cleaning, having the right tools is essential for achieving a streak-free and spotless finish.

A window cleaning kit typically includes a squeegee, a bucket, a scrubber, and a cleaning solution.

The squeegee is used to remove excess water and cleaning solution from the glass, while the scrubber is used to loosen dirt and grime.

The bucket is used to hold the cleaning solution and water, and the cleaning solution is used to break down dirt and grime.

Investing in a high-quality window cleaning kit can save time and effort, and ensure that your windows are sparkling clean.

With the right tools, even the most challenging windows can be cleaned with ease, leaving your home or office looking its best.

For more information:

Ultimate Magnetic Window Cleaning Kit

Using and Maintaining Your Bucket

How to Properly Use a Bucket for Window Cleaning

Using a bucket to clean windows is a common and effective way to do it.

However, there are a few steps to follow to ensure that the cleaning process is done properly and efficiently.

Here are some tips on how to use a bucket to clean windows in the right way.

Filling the Bucket

To start, fill the bucket with clean water.

Use cool water instead of hot water because hot water evaporates quickly, giving you less time to clean.

Next, put a small amount of liquid dishwashing detergent into the water.

It only takes a few drops of dish soap to make a sudsy solution.

Cleaning the Windows

After putting water and dish soap in the bucket, dip a window scrubber into the water and squeeze out the extra water.

Use the scrubber to clean the glass and remove all dust and dirt.

When you clean the windows, you should start at the top and work your way down.

Don’t forget to clean the inside and outside of the window frame as well.

Using a Squeegee

Use a squeegee to get the cleaning solution off the glass once it is clean.

To wipe the solution off the windows, you should use a window squeegee with a strong rubber blade.

Start at the top of the window with a squeegee and work your way down.

Wipe the glass one last time with a microfiber towel.

Cleaning Divided Lites

If you’re cleaning windows with separate panes, use the scrubber to wash the glass first and then a squeegee to dry it.

Hold a terrycloth rag against the end of the squeegee to catch water and protect the wood muntins.

When cleaning windows from inside the house, drape a canvas drop cloth on the floor to catch any water.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When you use a bucket to clean windows, there are a few common mistakes you should try to avoid.

Using the same bucket of water to clean all the windows in the house is a mistake.

This can lead to putting more dirt onto the windows instead of removing it.

It is best to change the cleaning solution in the middle of the cleaning process, especially if the windows are very dirty.

Spraying cleaner on top of dirt and dust is another mistake.

Before you clean, you should use a brush or vacuum to remove dirt from the window frame.

If you don’t, the dirt will mix with the cleaner and make a muddy mess.

Using a Squeegee Incorrectly

Another mistake to avoid is using a squeegee in the wrong way.

Professional window cleaners swear by them, but it’s important to know how to use them right.

With a squeegee, water can get left on the window, which can leave streaks.

Additionally, using a bucket that is too small can lead to dirty water and streaks on the windows.

It is best to use a big bucket so there is enough clean water to wash the windows well.

Lastly, streaks can show up on the windows if you use tap water instead of distilled water.

Use distilled water to keep from getting streaks from minerals and other things in the water.

Maintaining the Bucket

To clean and take care of a bucket for cleaning windows, it’s best to choose a bucket with a heavy-duty design and high-quality materials for the most durability and stability.

Before you start cleaning the windows, make sure the bucket is in a safe place on the ground.

After using the bucket, empty it and run water through it to get rid of any dirt or debris.

If the bucket has stains or marks that won’t come off, use a cleaning solution and a scrub brush to clean it well.

Rinse the bucket with water again, and then let it dry completely before putting it away.

Check the bucket often for damage or signs of wear and tear.

If the bucket has any cracks or holes, it should be thrown away right away to avoid accidents or spills.

Also, the bucket should be kept in a cool, dry place to stop mold or mildew from growing.

By following these tips, a window cleaning bucket can be kept clean and maintained for long-term use.

Other Uses and Safety Precautions

The Versatility of a Bucket

A bucket is a common item in most homes that can be used for more than just cleaning windows. Here are some examples:

  • Paint container: A 5-gallon bucket can be used as a paint container, with a trash bag used as a liner to make cleaning up easier.
  • Tool storage: A bucket can also be used to store and transport tools.
  • Makeshift stool: In a pinch, a bucket can be used as a stool.
  • Planter: A bucket can even be used as a planter.

Mixing Cleaning Solutions

In the kitchen, a bucket can be used to mix cleaning solutions for floors or countertops.

For example, rinse aid and other ingredients can be mixed in a bucket to make a homemade window cleaner.

Safety Precautions for Window Cleaning

When cleaning windows with a bucket, there are some general safety tips to remember.

Make sure the bucket is stable and placed on a flat surface.

Do not put too much water or cleaning solution in the bucket, because that will make it heavy and unstable.

To reach high windows, use a sturdy ladder or step stool and put it on a stable surface.

Put on the right safety gear, like gloves and safety glasses, to keep yourself safe from cleaning solution splashes and debris.

Lastly, pay attention to where you are and don’t work near power lines or other dangers.

Other Safety Precautions

For other cleaning tasks, there are some general safety tips to keep in mind.

For using a centrifuge, it is recommended to use sealed tubes and safety buckets that seal with O-rings.

Before each use, check tubes, O-rings, and buckets for cracks, chips, erosion, bits of broken glass, etc.

Don’t put aluminum foil on the top of centrifuge tubes because it could come off or break during the process.

Wipe the tubes down with a disinfectant after they have been filled and sealed.

Add disinfectant to the space between the tube and the bucket to clean up any broken pieces of material that might happen during centrifugation.

Only the buckets of a swiveling bucket rotor need to be cleaned.

Never immerse the body of the rotor as the hanger mechanisms are hard to dry and can rust.

For sanitation and infection control for cleaning staff, it is recommended to wear puncture-resistant gloves and safety boots appropriate for the situation.

Use cleaning products that are right for your workplace and that are recommended by the supplier to get good cleaning results.

Before disinfecting a surface or area, it should always be thoroughly cleaned and washed.

Tell your boss about any spills, accidents, etc.

that happen.

Do not eat, drink, or smoke while using bleaches, cleaning products, disinfectants, or other chemical products.

Do not leave bleaches, chemicals, disinfectants, or solvents in open containers in washrooms or other public areas where staff, students, visitors, or other members of the public may use them.

Do not mix cleaners and disinfectants unless the labels say it is safe to do so.

When you mix things together, like chlorine bleach and ammonia cleaners, they can react to make poisonous substances that can hurt you very badly.

Overall, a bucket is a useful tool that can be used for more than just cleaning windows.

It can be used for many cleaning and household tasks.

By taking some simple safety precautions, you can use a bucket to clean in a safe and effective way.

Tips for Efficiency

How to Make Your Window Cleaning Bucket More Efficient and Effective

Cleaning windows can be a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a breeze.

The bucket is one of the most important tools for cleaning windows.

Here are some tips on how to make your window cleaning bucket more efficient and effective.

Modify Your Bucket

One way to make your bucket for cleaning windows more useful is to change it so that it can fit different tools.

You can hook or clip your squeegee, scrubber, and other tools to the side of the bucket.

This will keep them in order and make them easy to get to as you clean.

Use the Right Cleaning Solution

To clean windows well, you must use the right cleaning solution.

Liquid dish detergent is a great option because it cleans dirt and grease and leaves the glass slippery so your squeegee glides well.

A soap that breaks down completely will protect sensitive plants outside, as well as children and pets who put their mouths on the windows or sills.

Vinegar is also a great option for cleaning windows.

You can make your own window cleaner by mixing it with warm water and dishwashing soap.

Use the Right Tools

Using the right tools can also make your bucket for cleaning windows more useful and efficient.

Two scrubbers are better than one.

Use two different scrubbers, one for inside and one for outside, so you don’t bring pollutants and bird poop inside.

Microfiber cloths are also a great option for cleaning windows because they soak up water without leaving any lint behind.

Window Cleaning Hacks

Lastly, there are a few tricks you can use to make your bucket for cleaning windows more efficient and effective.

For example, you can clean window tracks with baking soda and vinegar.

You can also use cotton swabs to clean the edges.

Using the right cleaning solution, tools, and tricks can make your window cleaning bucket more efficient and effective.

In the end, cleaning windows can be easy if you have the right tools and know how to do it.

You can make your bucket for cleaning windows more efficient and effective by changing it, using the right cleaning solution, and using the right tools.

So, next time you clean your windows, remember these tips and make your job easier.


In conclusion, buckets are an essential tool for any window cleaner.

They make transporting water and cleaning solutions to the job site easy and quick.

However, it’s important to remember that not all buckets are created equal.

Think about the size, material, and features that will work best for you when choosing a bucket.

But let’s take a moment to appreciate the humble bucket, no matter how useful it is.

It may look like a simple, unremarkable thing, but it helps keep our windows clean and our homes bright and welcoming.

And maybe there is something to be said for finding beauty and value in things we use every day but don’t think much about.

So the next time you’re out cleaning windows, take a moment to appreciate the bucket you’re using.

It might not be the most exciting tool you have, but it is definitely one of the most important ones.

And who knows, maybe being thankful for the little things in life will make your work just a little bit better.

Looking for a new Magnetic window cleaner?

Choosing a gadget can be very difficult if you know nothing about the technology.

Some will pay for features they do not need while others may not consider what they really want.

So I created this quick, newbie guide to help you focus on what is really important to you:

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My article on the topic:

Discover Magnetic Window Cleaners & More: Your Guide to Window Cleaning Tools