Have you ever scrubbed your windows for hours to get rid of a stain that just wouldn’t go away? It’s annoying, takes a lot of time, and can make you feel like a loser.

But don’t be afraid, fellow window cleaners! In this article, we’ll show you some of the best ways to clean your windows, even if the stains are really hard to get rid of.

We’ve got you covered, whether it’s hard water stains, bird poop, or something else.

So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and get ready to learn how to make your windows shine like they never have before.

Window Cleaning Tips

When it’s time to clean the windows, stains that won’t come off can be a real pain.

Windows can get many different kinds of stains, but hard water stains are the most common.

Minerals are left on the window when water evaporates.

These stains are caused by these minerals.

Hard water stains are common on commercial buildings, but they can also be found in homes with wells that have a sprinkler or watering system that hits the windows.

Chemical stains and stains from tree sap are also often to blame.

Removing Hard Water Stains

There are a few ways to get rid of stains caused by hard water.

First, try to keep as much water as possible away from the windows.

This can help keep stains from getting worse.

You could also hire a professional window cleaner who knows how to get rid of hard water spots.

They will use a polishing paste that is made to fight the minerals that cause these stains.

On a soft cleaning pad, the paste is spread, and the window is lightly scrubbed.

If the stain can be taken off, it will be.

Essential Tools and Materials

To clean windows well, you need to use the right tools and supplies.

Professional window cleaners use many different tools to make sure the windows are spotless.

Here are some of the most important tools and materials you’ll need to clean windows well:

  • Squeegees: A handheld tool with a rubber blade that is used to remove water and cleaning solution from the glass surface. Professional window cleaners use squeegees of different sizes to clean windows of different sizes.
  • Scrubbers: Fabric cylinders that can fit over a squeegee and are used to spread water and cleaning solution over glass. Microfiber scrubbers can clean even the toughest dirt and grime from exterior windows.
  • Towels and Sponges: Used for removing the water and cleaning solution that gathers around window panes and may be difficult for the squeegees to get rid of. They can also be ideal for scrubbing away difficult-to-remove dirt and stains from bugs and signs.
  • Holsters and Belts: Used to hold squeegees, scrubbers, and other tools. They make it easy for cleaners to access their tools while working on a ladder or scaffold.
  • Safety Goggles and Glasses: Protect the eyes from cleaning solution and debris that may fly off the window during cleaning.
  • Ropes and Harnesses: Used by professional window cleaners to access windows on high-rise buildings.
  • Cleaning Solution: A cleaning solution is needed to remove dirt and grime from the glass surface. Professional window cleaners use a variety of cleaning solutions, including homemade solutions made of water and dishwashing liquid or a fifty-fifty mix of water and vinegar.

Common Window Cleaning Mistakes

Cleaning windows can be hard, but if you know what to do and have the right tools, it can be easy.

Here are some common mistakes people make when cleaning their windows and how to avoid them:

Removing Deposits Before Cleaning Windows

  • Dirt and dust can turn into a muddy mess when mixed with a cleaner, leaving behind thick streaks. Before cleaning, sweep dirt from the window frame with a brush or vacuum it up with a handheld vacuum or dust attachment.

Using the Wrong Materials to Clean Windows

  • Using paper towels or lint-based cloths can leave behind fibers all over the glass, causing people to question if your windows were ever cleaned at all. Instead, use a sponge and a squeegee to swipe away all the water, and avoid using paper towels to dry the windows.

Cleaning Windows in the Wrong Weather Conditions

  • Cleaning windows during the wrong weather can create an entire host of problems. For example, cleaning windows on a sunny day can cause the cleaner to dry onto the hot windows before you get to wipe it off, leaving hard-to-remove streaks.

Using the Wrong Cleaner

  • The right cleaners for glass should have low water-based content so they don’t leave behind any residue which might cause streaking. Avoid using hard water, which can leave mineral deposits on the glass.

Skipping the Squeegee

  • Professional window cleaners swear by squeegees, but you have to know how to use them correctly. Squeegee down and where does the water go? On the floor, on the window sill, or on the glass? Make sure to use a squeegee correctly to avoid leaving behind water streaks.

Washing Windows with Murky Water

  • Fresh materials are important when cleaning windows. Using murky water can undo all your hard work by cleaning your windows with dirty water. Get fresh materials, whether that’s a clean rag or cloth.

Frequency of Window Cleaning

  • The frequency of window cleaning depends on several factors, including the location of the property, environmental conditions, and the type of property. For residential homes, it is recommended to schedule window cleaning at least twice a year. However, if the property is located close to busy streets, has lots of trees and pollen in the vicinity, or experiences high winds, it may be necessary to clean the windows three times a year. On the other hand, commercial properties such as retail spaces and restaurants may require more frequent cleaning, with a recommended frequency of at least once a month. For commercial buildings or offices, it is recommended to clean the windows twice a year.

Best Time to Schedule Window Cleaning

  • The best time to schedule window cleaning depends on the location of the property and how susceptible the windows are to getting dirty. Generally, window cleaning should be done at least once or twice a year. However, if the property is located in an area with high pollution or pollen, or experiences harsh weather conditions, it may be necessary to clean the windows more frequently.

Importance of Regular Cleaning

  • It is important to clean windows regularly to maintain a healthy living environment. Cleaning surfaces in the home removes germs, dirt, and other impurities, helping to prevent the spread of illness. High-touch surfaces such as light switches, doorknobs, and countertops should be cleaned regularly, and other surfaces should be cleaned when visibly dirty or as needed. It is recommended to clean soft surfaces such as carpets, rugs, and drapes with appropriate cleaning products.

By not doing these common things and using these tips, you can get windows that are spotless, last longer, and look better.

Homemade Cleaning Solutions: The Key to Removing Stubborn Stains on Windows

When it comes to cleaning windows, stubborn stains can be a real headache.

But before you reach for expensive commercial cleaning products, consider making your own homemade cleaning solutions.

Not only are they often more affordable, but they can also be just as effective at removing tough stains.

One popular homemade cleaning solution for windows is a mixture of vinegar and water.

Simply mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and use it to clean your windows.

Another effective solution is a mixture of baking soda and water, which can be used to scrub away stubborn stains.

By using homemade cleaning solutions, you can save money and avoid harsh chemicals that may be harmful to your health and the environment.

So next time you’re faced with a stubborn stain on your windows, try making your own cleaning solution and see the difference it can make.

For more information:

DIY Window Cleaning Tips: Homemade Solutions

Eco-Friendly Window Cleaning Solutions

Removing Stubborn Stains: Tips for Eco-Friendly Window Cleaning

It can be hard to keep your windows clean and streak-free, especially if they have stains that won’t come off.

There are a number of effective and easy-to-use ways to clean windows that are also good for the environment.

Here are some suggestions to get you started:

Making Your Own Window Cleaner

One choice is to use vinegar and water to make your own window cleaner.

Just put one part vinegar and one part water in a spray bottle and a few drops of essential oil to improve the smell.

Use an eco-friendly window cleaner like ECOS Window Cleaner or Dr.

Bronner’s liquid soap, which are both approved by the EPA’s Safer Choice Program.

These products don’t have any additives, detergents, or foaming agents, but they can be used to clean windows and other surfaces.

Homemade Cleaning Solutions

If you want to make your own cleaning supplies, baking soda, vinegar, and a little elbow grease can do a lot of jobs well and for a low price.

Mix white-distilled vinegar, lemon juice, water, and dish detergent to make your own window cleaner.

Water, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, and cornstarch can also be mixed together to make a natural window cleaner.

When cleaning windows with homemade cleaners, it’s best to use a squeegee or clean cloth to get rid of stubborn dirt and residue.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Practices

In addition to using eco-friendly window cleaners, there are other ways to clean that are better for the environment.

Using microfiber towels instead of paper towels, for example, can cut down on waste and save money in the long run.

Since microfiber towels can be washed and used again and again, they are a cheap and environmentally friendly way to clean windows and other surfaces.

Last but not least, it’s important to choose cleaning products that are made with the environment in mind.

Look for products that have been approved by the EPA’s databases, Safer Choice and Design for the Environment.

Preventing Streaks

It can be annoying to see streaks on clean windows. Here are some ways to keep windows from getting streaks after you clean them:

  • Use a mixture of one part distilled vinegar to 10 parts warm water in a spray bottle. Avoid using glass cleaners that are based in ammonia or alcohol as they can leave streaks and even a thin film that attracts dust and moisture.
  • Use a soft, lint-free wipe when rubbing the solution. A microfiber cloth is ideal but a gentle and clean paper towel can work as well. Rub from multiple directions to help avoid streaking.
  • Immediately after spraying the cleaning solution, wipe it off from side to side using crumpled newspaper or a clean microfiber cloth.
  • Use a squeegee to wipe the window at an angle, from top to bottom.
  • Go over the window using a dry dust-free microfiber cloth. Often streaks will vanish with a little elbow grease.
  • Buff out the streaks by taking a dry cloth and swiping it over them. Use light, fast strokes over the span of the window, mirror, or table.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be able to clean your windows without leaving streaks and get windows that are as clear as glass.

Window Cleaning Safety

Cleaning windows can be hard, especially if there are stains that won’t come off.

But if you have the right tools and know-how, you can get your windows to shine again.

Here are some ways to get rid of stains that won’t come off your windows:

1. Use a vinegar solution. In a spray bottle, mix equal parts of water and vinegar. Spray the solution on the spot, and then wait a few minutes. Then, use a clean cloth or paper towel to wipe the area. Vinegar is a natural cleaner that can get rid of dirt, grime, and even hard water stains.

2. Use a baking soda paste. To make a paste, mix baking soda and water. Apply the paste to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the area. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can remove tough stains from windows without harming them.

3. Use a commercial window cleaner. There are many commercial window cleaners on the market that can get rid of stains that are hard to get rid of. Look for a window cleaner that won’t leave streaks and is made just for windows.

4. Use a razor blade. If the stain is especially tough, you can scrape it off with a razor blade. Holding the blade at a 45-degree angle, scrape the stain gently. Watch out that you don’t scratch the glass.

5. Hire a professional. If you don’t feel comfortable cleaning your windows or if the stains are too tough, you can always hire a professional window cleaning service. They have the right tools and know-how to get even the most stubborn stains out.

When you clean your windows, don’t forget to always be safe. Here are some tips for staying safe:

  • Check the weather before cleaning your windows. Avoid cleaning windows on rainy, windy, or extremely hot days.
  • Use the right cleaning detergent. Check to make sure it is good to use on windows and won’t leave streaks.
  • Use easy-to-grip sponges/scrubbers to avoid dropping any window cleaning equipment from a height.
  • Avoid cleaning windows in direct sunlight to prevent smears, drips, and dried soap on the windows.
  • Secure your ladder and wear gloves when using window cleaning solutions or chemicals.
  • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) when using chemicals, such as gloves, glasses or goggles, or respirators.

Extreme Weather Window Cleaning

Cleaning windows can be a hard job, especially when it’s hot or cold outside.

But if you know what to do and have the right tools, you can make the process easier and faster.

Here are some tips for getting rid of tough stains and keeping your windows clean.

Choosing the Right Weather Conditions

When it’s cloudy but not raining is the best time to clean windows.

When it’s hot and sunny, the cleaning solution evaporates too quickly before you can finish washing the window, leaving streaks.

If it’s too cold, the window cleaner might freeze on the window, making it hard to clean.

Tools for Cleaning Windows

You can use a magnetic window cleaner to clean windows when the weather is bad.

This lets you clean windows on the outside from the inside.

You can also reach windows from the outside with a mop.

To clean windows without leaving streaks, mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a bucket.

Then, dip a standard mop or a microfiber cloth in the cleaning solution and wipe down the window’s surface.

You can also use a microfiber cloth and a spray bottle filled with warm water, white vinegar, and dishwashing liquid to clean the window.

Removing Stubborn Stains

If the window is too dirty, you can take off paint spots and labels with a razor blade in a holder.

First, wet the window, and then move the blade across the glass once.

Rinse the blade and do it again before moving on to the next section.

This will keep dirt from getting stuck under the blade and scratching the glass.

You can also get rid of tree pitch or bug droppings with a fine (white) nylon scrub pad.

Safety Precautions

Taking safety measures is important when the weather is very bad.

If you need to use a ladder to reach windows on the second floor, make sure it is stable and safe.

Wear gloves to keep your hands warm, and use a non-slip mat so you don’t fall on the ice.

Maintaining Cleanliness

It’s important to keep windows clean after they’ve been cleaned so they stay clear and streak-free.

Here are some ways to keep windows clean after they have been cleaned:

  • Use a clean, dry cloth or squeegee to dry the windows after cleaning.
  • Avoid using cleaning products on the window frame and sill. Instead, spray the product on a clean cloth and use the cloth to clean the glass.
  • Work from the top down when drying the windows to avoid streaks.
  • Use distilled white vinegar as a DIY window cleaner. Mix 2 cups of vinegar with 1 cup of water in a clean spray bottle and use it to clean the windows.

Additional Products

Aside from these suggestions, there are also products that can help keep windows clean.

For example, cleaning window screens is easier with the IMHO Window Screen Cleaning Brush.

You can also clean windows from the outside with a window cleaner that has a nozzle that connects to a garden hose.

If you follow these tips and use the right tools, you can get rid of tough stains and keep your windows clean, even when the weather is bad.


In conclusion, getting stubborn stains off of windows can be a hard job, but it can be done well with the right tools and methods.

But it’s important to keep in mind that preventing problems is always better than fixing them.

If you clean your windows often and stay away from harsh chemicals, your windows will stay clean and clear for a long time.

But having clean windows is also good for your mind in ways that go beyond just the physical act of cleaning.

A clear view of the outside world can make us feel better and help us be healthier overall.

It’s a small but meaningful way to add a little more happiness to our everyday lives.

So, the next time you have trouble getting a stain off your window, keep in mind that it’s not just about getting the surface clean.

It’s about making your life and the lives of those around you happier and brighter.

Good luck cleaning!

Looking for a new Magnetic window cleaner?

Choosing a gadget can be very difficult if you know nothing about the technology.

Some will pay for features they do not need while others may not consider what they really want.

So I created this quick, newbie guide to help you focus on what is really important to you:

The Best Magnetic Window Cleaner (For You!)

My article on the topic:

Mastering Magnetic Window Cleaning Tips