Have you ever looked out your clean windows and wondered how the people who do that for a living do it without falling? It’s easy to figure out: ladders.

But did you know that accidents involving ladders are one of the main reasons why people get hurt or die on the job? As a window cleaner, you should put your own safety first.

In this article, I’ll talk about how important ladder safety is and give you tips and tricks for cleaning windows safely and quickly.

So, pour yourself a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

Ladder Safety for Window Cleaning

Window Cleaning with Ladders: Safety Tips and Weight Limits

Cleaning windows can be scary, especially when you have to use a ladder.

But if you take the right safety steps, it can be done safely and quickly.

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when you use a ladder to clean windows:

Choosing the Right Ladder and Pre-Use Safety Check

Before you use a ladder to clean windows, you should make sure it’s the right one for the job.

The ladder should be tall enough to reach the windows without having to reach too far or lean the ladder against the window.

It should also be in good shape and strong enough to hold the weight of the person using it and any equipment they are carrying.

Do a safety check on the ladder before you use it to make sure it is in good shape.

Placing the Ladder on a Flat and Stable Surface

The ladder needs to be put on a flat, stable surface so it doesn’t fall over.

Don’t put the ladder on surfaces that are uneven or slippery.

Keeping Three Points of Contact on the Ladder

Keep at least three points of contact on the ladder at all times when climbing up or down.

This means that you should always have two feet, one hand, or two hands, one foot on the ladder.

Facing the Ladder When Climbing Up and Down

Always climb up and down facing the ladder. This will help you keep your balance and keep you from falling down.

Having One Hand on the Ladder or Other Secure Handhold

When working from a ladder, you should always have both feet on the ladder and one hand on the ladder or another secure handhold.

This will help you keep your balance and keep you from falling down.

Wearing Slip-Resistant Shoes

Wear shoes that won’t let you slip, like ones with a lot of friction. Also, make sure the steps are dry so you don’t slip.

Not Carrying Tools or Equipment in Your Hands While Climbing the Ladder

Don’t climb the ladder with tools or other things in your hands.

This can make you lose your balance and make you more likely to fall.

Not Overreaching or Leaning the Ladder Against the Window

Don’t reach too far or put the ladder against a window.

This can make the ladder fall over and make it more likely that someone will fall.

Not Using a Ladder in Adverse Weather Conditions

Do not use a ladder when the weather is bad, like when there is a lot of rain or wind.

This can make it more likely that someone will trip or get hurt.

Weight Limits for Ladders Used in Window Cleaning

Ladders used to clean windows have different weight limits based on the type of ladder and who made it.

Before buying a ladder, you should make sure you know how much weight it can hold.

If you put too much weight on a ladder, you could hurt yourself or someone else.

Most ladders that are used to clean windows have a weight limit of about 250 pounds.

But some ladders can hold more weight, like a 24-foot extension ladder that can hold up to 300 pounds.

Before you use a ladder, you should make sure you know how much weight it can hold.

Regulations for Ladder Use in California

In California, ladders can only be used to clean windows if other methods, like approved anchors and window cleaning belts, cannot be used safely and effectively.

In window cleaning, you can’t use ladders with hooks on them that can be hung on or over a parapet wall or other projection.

When cleaning windows with ladders, it’s important to follow all safety rules, like facing the ladder when climbing, working on, or lowering it.

By following these safety rules and tips, you can make sure that using a ladder to clean windows is safe and goes well.

Choosing and Using Ladders for Window Cleaning

Types of Ladders for Window Cleaning

In order to clean high windows, you need to use a ladder.

Window cleaners can use different kinds of ladders, such as extension ladders, step ladders, and combination ladders.

  • Extension Ladders: These ladders are a great choice for taller homes and businesses, especially if you need to clean skylights or windows on the second or third floor.
  • Step Ladders: These ladders are a good option for cleaning first-floor windows that you cannot reach from the ground.
  • Combination Ladders: These ladders offer the best of both worlds, allowing you to use them as a step ladder and as an extension ladder.

Specialist Ladders for Window Cleaners

Window cleaners’ ladders are special pieces of access equipment that are shaped like an A and have side rails that narrow into a V at the top.

They are the best ladders for window cleaners because they are made to fit in tight places like window frames.

They also have rubber feet on the top and bottom to help the ladder grip the ground better.

These ladders are perfect for people who clean windows for a living and need to do it often.

Choosing the Right Ladder

When choosing a ladder for cleaning windows, you should think about how high the window is and whether you are a homeowner doing a general household task or a professional window cleaner looking for a more durable ladder.

Extension ladders made of aluminum are a good choice for most home tasks.

Professional window cleaners may prefer to use sectional ladders, which can be stacked and are made to fit in tight spaces like window frames.

Look for ladders with levelers, stabilizers, and rubber feet if you want to clean windows.

Proper Ladder Placement for Window Cleaning Safety

To clean windows safely, you must put the ladder in the right place. Here are some steps to set up a ladder for cleaning windows:

1. Choose the right ladder. Use a ladder that is tall enough that you don’t have to stand on the top rung to reach the window. Also, the ladder should be strong and in good shape.

2. Check the ground: Make sure it is level and free of debris. If the ground isn’t flat, you can use ladder levelers to keep the ladder steady.

3. The ladder should be at an angle of 4:1, which means that for every four feet of height, the ladder should be one foot from the wall. If the window is 16 feet high, for example, the base of the ladder should be 4 feet from the wall.

4. Make sure the ladder is safe by leaning it against a wall or window frame. To keep the ladder from moving, use ladder stabilizers or tie it to the window frame.

5. For a safe way to climb the ladder, always face it when going up or down. Hold the ladder with both hands and don’t lean too far to one side.

6. Use a spotter. Have someone hold the ladder steady while you go up and down. They can also help you get tools and other things.

By doing these things, you can make sure that your ladder is set up correctly so that you can clean windows in a safe way.

Determining Ladder Height and Alternatives to Ladders

Ladder Safety for Window Cleaning

Cleaning windows can be dangerous, especially if you have to use a ladder.

To make sure the window cleaner stays safe, it’s important to take the right steps.

Here are some tips to help you safely clean windows from a ladder.

Determining the Correct Ladder Height

To figure out the right ladder height for a certain window, you need to think about the highest point of support or contact, which could be the wall or roof line.

When using an extension ladder, it should be 7 to 10 feet longer than the highest point of support or contact.

This will give you enough room for the ladder to be set up correctly, for the sections to overlap, for the height limits of the highest standing level, and, if necessary, for the ladder to be extended above the roof line.

Four steps down from the top is the level where you can stand the tallest.

The highest you can stand on a step ladder is two steps down from the top.

Someone higher up might lose their balance and fall.

The maximum height a person can safely reach is about 4 feet higher than the height of the ladder.

For example, a normal person can reach a ceiling that is 8 feet high on a ladder that is only 4 feet tall.

Weight Limitations

It’s also important to think about the person’s weight and any weight they’ll be carrying up the ladder.

Don’t go over the load rating, and always include the weight of all tools, materials, and equipment.

Before using an extension ladder, a person who knows what they’re doing must check it for problems like missing rungs, bolts, cleats, screws, and loose parts.

If a ladder has these or other problems, it must be marked as broken right away or have a tag that says “Do Not Use” or something similar.

Leaning the Ladder

When a ladder is leaning against a wall, the bottom of the ladder should be one-quarter of the ladder’s working length away from the wall.

For access to a higher work surface, extend the top of the ladder three feet above the surface or secure the ladder at its top.

Alternatives to Ladders

Cleaning windows from a ladder can be dangerous, so you should always think of other options first.

Traditional pole work is another option.

To clean windows with a water-fed system and a squeegee attachment, you can use a moerman fli*q or a similar tool.

With a little bit of practice, this method can work.

Another option is to use an A-frame-shaped window cleaning ladder that can fit between the bricks of a building.

But it’s important to take extra care when using a ladder, like making sure it’s well-secured and using the safest tools.

Domestic ladders are not good for commercial window cleaning because they are not as strong and may not be able to hold the weight of a person and their tools.

If you can’t use a ladder because the building is too high, you can clean the windows from the inside or from a balcony.

If none of these options work, you may need to buy the right tools to clean the outside of your building safely from a height.

In the end, the window cleaner’s safety should be the most important thing, and the ladder should be the last resort.

Safety Regulations: A Crucial Aspect of Window Cleaning with Ladders

When it comes to window cleaning, ladders are an essential tool for reaching high places.

However, it’s important to remember that using ladders can be dangerous if proper safety regulations are not followed.

Falls from ladders are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries, and window cleaning is no exception.

To ensure safety, it’s crucial to follow safety regulations such as using the right ladder for the job, securing the ladder properly, and wearing appropriate safety gear.

Additionally, it’s important to inspect the ladder before each use to ensure it’s in good condition.

By following these safety regulations, window cleaners can minimize the risk of accidents and injuries while using ladders.

For more information:

Window Cleaning Safety Regulations: Hazards, Equipment & Best Practices

Maintaining and Legal Requirements for Ladders

Ladder Safety for Window Cleaning

Ladders are needed to clean windows, but they can be dangerous if they are not used correctly.

A ladder will last longer and be safer to use if it is stored and kept in good shape.

Here are some tips to keep you safe when using a ladder to clean windows.

Storage and Maintenance

When putting a ladder away, it should be kept in a dry, cool place that is out of the direct sun and away from any water.

It should also be put away so that it doesn’t fall or get knocked over.

Ladders should be checked often for damage, such as cracks or parts that are loose, and fixed or replaced as needed.

Ladder Safety Rules

When cleaning windows with a ladder, it’s important to follow ladder safety rules to avoid falling and getting hurt.

The ladder should be put on a flat surface and be tied down so it doesn’t move or fall.

It should also be put in a way that keeps it from leaning on unstable surfaces like windowsills.

The person going up the ladder should always have at least three points of contact.

Choosing the Right Ladder

For safety, it’s also important to use the right ladder for the job.

For cleaning windows on a home, an extension ladder might be the best choice, while a window cleaning ladder might be better for windows on a building with more than two stories.

Window-cleaning ladders are made to fit between the bricks of a house and have rungs with deep serrations to make them easier to hold.

Accessories for Ladder Safety

Along with using the right ladder, accessories like ladder hooks and tool trays can make cleaning windows safer and easier.

Before you start cleaning the windows, you should also wash your hands to avoid leaving oily fingerprints on the glass.

Regulations for Ladder Use

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations of 1998 say that you have to follow certain rules when you use a ladder at work (PUWER).

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is very clear that there should be a good reason to use a ladder.

Professional window cleaners should only use ladders for short periods of time and only if the risk is low.

The HSE knows that it’s not realistic to expect every window cleaner to start using new methods of work right away.

It also knows that the industry has a low accident rate.

But there must be a good reason for window cleaners to use ladders.

Alternatives to Ladder Use

Ladders shouldn’t be the first thing you think of; you should always think of other options first. Most of the time, window cleaners use ladders that meet BS EN 131. For commercial window cleaning, you shouldn’t use a British Standard Class 3 domestic ladder. If ladders are used, they should be stable and safe enough to let the windows be cleaned. Ladders can also be used for low-risk work when the site has features that make it necessary to use a ladder.

Working at Height Regulations

The “Working at Height” regulations became law in the UK in 2005. It is not against the law or frowned upon for window cleaners to use ladders, but they must have a good reason. The HSE says that ladders should only be used for short periods of time by professional window cleaners and must be rated as low risk. When possible, ladders should not be used. Instead, other options should be thought of first.

By following these tips, you can improve ladder safety and clean windows in a safe and effective way.

When cleaning windows from a ladder, you should always put safety first.

Choosing the Right Ladder for Window Cleaning

Extension Ladders

Most of the time, a 20-foot extension ladder is tall enough to reach windows on the second floor.

But if you need to clean windows up high, you should use a 30-foot ladder.

These ladders can be extended to different heights, which makes them useful for many different tasks.

Sectional Ladders

A sectional ladder should be used to clean windows on the third floor or higher.

These ladders are made for cleaning windows and have a triangular end that fits in places that are hard to get to.

They are also light and easy to move, which is why professional window cleaners like to use them.

Telescopic Ladders

Telescoping ladders are also a good choice for very high places.

The height of these ladders can be changed, and they are made to be small and easy to store.

They are also light and easy to move, which makes them a popular choice among people who like to do their own projects.

Step Ladders

Window cleaners often use step ladders to clean windows on storefronts and in homes.

Most jobs should go well with a six- to ten-foot step ladder.

They are also a good way to clean windows on the first floor that you can’t reach from the ground.

Window Cleaners’ Ladders

The best ladders to use to clean windows are the ones that window cleaners use.

These pieces of specialized access equipment are made in the shape of an A, with side rails that narrow into a V at the top.

They are made to be light, strong, and easy to move around.

Window cleaners’ ladders also have rubber feet on the top and bottom, which help the ladder grip the ground better.

Cleaning Windows on High-Rise Buildings

Cleaning High-Rise Windows Without a Ladder

Cleaning the windows on high-rise buildings can be hard, but it needs to be done to keep the building looking good and working well.

There are different ways to clean high-rise windows without using a ladder.

Building owners or managers should think about the building’s height, materials, and how it is used to decide which way is best.

Telescopic Water-Fed Poles

Telescopic water-fed poles are a good way to clean high-rise windows without having to use a ladder.

These poles can be used from the street, so you don’t have to use a ladder.

This way of cleaning the windows on high-rise buildings is safe and works well.

The best way to clean a building will depend on its size, the materials it is made of, or how it is used.

Extendable Squeegees, Covered Brooms, and Window Scrubbers

Use extendable squeegees, covered brooms, and extendable window scrubbers to clean the inside and outside of windows that are hard to reach.

This method works well and is safe to use on almost any kind of window.

If the outside windows are dirty and you need a quick fix, you can always spray them down with a hose.

But this could leave water marks on the windows, so it’s not the best way to get a perfect finish.

Homemade Window Cleaner

A homemade window cleaner can be made by putting two parts water and one part white vinegar in a spray bottle and shaking it up.

You can also use warm water mixed with a few drops of dish soap.

Commercial sprays or solutions for cleaning windows, like Windex, are also on the market and work well.

But ammonia- or alcohol-based glass cleaners should be avoided because they can leave streaks or light films that attract more dust over time.


In the end, ladders are an important safety tool for cleaning windows.

But you should keep in mind that they are not foolproof.

Still, accidents can happen, and it’s up to us to take the steps we need to stop them.

As we move up the ladder, we should always keep in mind the risks and do what we need to do to reduce them.

Every little bit helps, whether it’s putting on the right safety gear or making sure the ladder is stable and safe.

So, the next time you’re on a ladder, stop and think about how important safety is and how ladders help keep us safe.

Remember that it’s not enough to just get the job done.

We need to do it in a way that keeps us safe.

Keep safe, and have fun cleaning!

Looking for a new Magnetic window cleaner?

Choosing a gadget can be very difficult if you know nothing about the technology.

Some will pay for features they do not need while others may not consider what they really want.

So I created this quick, newbie guide to help you focus on what is really important to you:

The Best Magnetic Window Cleaner (For You!)

Links and references

  1. J. Racenstein website
  2. Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry
  3. Research paper on window cleaning robots
  4. Abnix Solutions website ladder instructions

My article on the topic:

Safe Window Cleaning: Hazards, Equipment & Best Practices